Meet Angela Naomi
For the last 10 years, I have worked as a designer for corporations but wasn't spending a lot of time making what I wanted to create. I felt really disconnected from the person I used to be and from my art. I knew what type of career I wanted, but I didn't know what steps to take to get there.
Bonnie's Immersion course found me at the perfect time. I was a little apprehensive that the class wouldn't be worth the investment for me because I already used Illustrator daily and knew how to design patterns, but Bonnie and her team proved me wrong. I learned so many new skills, was able to work more efficiently, and improved the look of my designs.
The Immersion Course helped me identify what steps I needed to take to land my dream job. It gave me the clarity I desperately needed, and the motivation to go after it. After finishing Immersion, I planned out my next 6 months and the goals I wanted to accomplish. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
Since Immersion, I have finished 2 collections, opened a Spoonflower shop, started posting on Instagram regularly, and built a digital portfolio. If you know you want to be a surface pattern designer, don't put it off any longer. Invest in yourself by taking this class and getting started TODAY!