Meet Lizzie Clark

55+ graphic design immersion course 2018 intermediate user mom united states

What was I doing before surface pattern design? Let me "sum up" a la The Princess Bride—Twenty years ago, my husband fired me (in a loving and supportive way) from the company where we both worked—told me to buy a printer, take classes if I needed them and be the artist he knew I was. That turned into 15 years as a solopreneur graphic designer. Then I had a stroke. After that experience (I fully recovered, BTW) I lost my drive to do that kind of work. Our son was going to be starting college and my husband looked at me (again, lovingly) and said that I needed to find something to do, or I would drive us both loony. I played around a bit, and started making collage art on business card size canvases with beautiful art paper. After I started doing shows, it seemed the next step was to have my own designs on the paper I was using. That sent me scouring the internet for instructions on how to make a repeating pattern. I quickly found Jessica Swift and Bonnie Christine. They are lovely women and excellent teachers. When I made my first repeating pattern, the JOY light was turned on inside of me. 

My biggest challenge before joining Flourish was wrangling my creativity. I had ideas and some skills, but I was floundering when it came to developing a structure and routine for making art and putting it into the world. It felt defeating and left me unsure about next steps. Like an imposter and that I was less than. Luckily, Bonnie is brilliant at laying out a step-by-step structure and offering coaching tips along the way. I’m in awe of her ability to really hear what someone’s pain points are and offer concrete steps to overcome them - The Stages of a Flourishing Designer is one great example!

After joining Flourish the JOY light was turned on! I feel joining this membership had the biggest impact on my career. I felt like a cloud had lifted. Even if the old feelings of imposter syndrome make an appearance, Bonnie makes every step approachable and the whole community is kind and encouraging. I found the lessons to be super helpful, and organized in a way that worked for me. Whenever I’ve posed a question to the group, it’s almost immediately answered - often by several knowledgeable community members. And having a searchable library—fabulous!

One skill I’ve acquired and cherished from being in this community is improved patience and an expanded willingness to do the research/work. I love the feeling of having accomplished a new skill or completing a ToDo, and I’m so grateful to the community for their support and encouragement as I find my way. I believe that I’ve been able to do the same for others.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey (or on the Stages of a Flourishing Designer)—there’s a place for you here. A place to learn more. A place to share your struggles and wins. A place to get to know others and hear about their paths. A place to feel and know that you are enough.

The slow growth that I’ve seen over the past two years feels HUGE, to me. Most recently, I’ve expanded my online shop offerings, and I sold several patterns to a dream client for bedding.

I’m looking forward to continuing the slow growth—seeing some of my work come into the world on products, reaching out for new collaboration partners, expanding my online shop with self-produced products, seeking out new artists, staying in touch with those I’ve met, and offering support wherever I can.