Meet Aileen Proum

art prints beginner client-based fabric illustration immersion course 2021 kitchen textiles lettering pod side hustle stationery united states wall coverings

I still have a day job, but I started drawing again and also learned calligraphy. I heard about some sort of design course from Jennie Whitaker (IG: toboggabavenue) and something just made me ask her a bunch of questions even though I wasn’t exactly looking to take another course. It sounded amazing and I didn’t hesitate to sign up at all. I just had a feeling and followed my intuition.

I was a bit worried about my ability to learn Illustrator, but I’m pretty tech-savvy and have a curious mind so I just tried my best to ignore the nervousness! Jennie also told me that you teach from the absolute beginning so don’t worry.

The best part of Immersion is, without question, the community. I have made so many friends from around the world and they are all beautiful creatures. They embody the true meaning of community. I do find the course invaluable, but that community is just incredible. I think you foster a supportive learning environment and it’s almost like leading by example: this is how we should interact with each other.

I’d say being more confident about myself—not just creatively—but surprising myself with my ability to learn a new software and seeing that I have some business sense were huge. I am more capable than I realized! Since the course, I formed my own company (including the official paperwork), set up a website, set up a storefront on my site as well as on Etsy, integrated POD as well as other products, and am working on a new collection. I will update my portfolio (which I also did after Immersion and learned InDesign to create it…would not have had the confidence to learn InDesign had it not been for Immersion) after my collection is complete.

I recently design some holiday cards that I sold. I also help maintain an online community of Immersion alumni so we can continue to help and support each other whether it’s an Illustrator question, questions about how to get a business license, what books we’ve gotten that really helped us, big and small wins, group working sessions, and so much more. (My brand name comes from the idea that when we gather, we bloom.)

I’d say to those interested to do it. It will change your life. You will find something in it that is valuable and even though the cost can be high, it is cheaper than art school or taking some sort of boot camp. I plan to come back as an alumni so that’s how much I value Immersion: I am willing to pay for it again! On the horizon, I’d like to expand my Spoonflower shop and offer more products as I work on getting licensed. I still have a day job to support all of this so I tell myself I have to be patient. I’ve had inquiries about art commissions as well as interest in seeing what else I create. Lately, I’ve been drawing a lot and working on new motifs.