Meet Fleur Crawford

50k+ apparel education fabric financial security flourish membership full-time creative home decor immersion course 2021 licensing location freedom mom new zealand pod time freedom wall coverings

I loved how Immersion was all packaged and presented in such a special & inspiring way. It got me excited to create again from my heart and follow my own creative path as a new mum. I found the balance I had been craving and it gave me the confidence to create my own creative business and to leave working in-house behind. 

I had been in the fashion & textile industry for about 19 years, then I took a small break to have my daughter. While on maternity leave I felt the need to continue to be creative so I started drawing just for fun.

Then, I found Bonnie and all she had to offer. I started to feel like I could create my own brand if I just took things slowly and did even just one small thing a day that moved me closer to my big dreams and goals. With the help of the community and having an easy-to-follow pathway Bonnie made it all feel so achievable.

The thing that held me back from joining Immersion was the cost. It was a big investment and I already knew so much from my long career in design and product development, but I took the dive. I wanted to invest in myself and create a pathway to a different lifestyle where I could work from anywhere, have flexible work hours, and put my family first.

Even though I came into the course with a lot of experience, it just added another layer and gave me clarity on what I needed to do next to carve a new pathway for myself. I left feeling inspired and that I had all the tools I needed. I was ready to kick-start my brand and start creating my first Hufton Studio collection. 

I have now completed 18 collections and have my designs with 7 online fabric retailers. I have done over 30 licensing collaborations for wallpaper, wall decals with Loomwell, Cloth Nappies brands, towels with Geometry House, baby blankets/wraps, packaging, kids’ accessories, and more. I’ve grown my following to over 20k and spent a lot of 2022 coaching other creatives by doing one-on-one mentoring sessions. I started a Patreon membership to help other creatives on their creative journeys and created a new creative community with my dear fellow creative friend Ryann Scrafford called Creative Studio Collective to help other creatives have their best year yet for 2023.