Meet Kelsey Weigl
I have always been an artist, creator and crafter. My Mom was home with us kids but constantly busy with landscape painting, baking, knitting, interior designing, you name it. A Martha Stewart “presentation is everything’ attitude. With my Dad as an entrepreneur I’ve been lucky to have both a creative and business upbringing.
I earned my Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication and joined our vibrant art and design community here in Edmonton. I have a broad range of experience with agency and design firms. I dabbled in the craft scene making jewelry and doing trade shows across Canada and USA. I even participated in 3 Renegade Craft Fairs!
My most notable experience is working with Anthropologie as the Display Coordinator. Every week I taught myself a new craft skill and built elaborate and beautiful displays. I worked here in Edmonton but was a part a store opening team that travelled and worked together to take a store from empty to ready to open in just 10 days. I opened stores in DC, California, Arkansas, Vancouver and more. 10 in total. I have the best memories of this special job.
After my husband I were married in 2012 we wanted to start our family and it didn’t seem appropriate to have such a physical job being on top of a ladder and spray painting and such everyday. So I turned back to my roots and began my freelance business. I have been operating that since. We now have an 7 and a 2 year old. Along the way I have worked a few fun merchandising and display jobs part time. To be totally honest I was losing interest in my freelance business. Finding it hard to be motivated at home on my own. Making client’s dreams come true with branding projects and seeing them take off was rewarding but I was ready for a change for myself.
It is serendipitous that I ended up here in surface pattern. A random Uppercase Magazine email led me to Bonnie only weeks before Immersion opened. I immediately became obsessed. Being stuck at home during covid with my daughter only 1, this was a great outlet and focus for me to dive into! Not totally knowing what SPD was or even understanding art licensing I was completely hooked. Even though I have 15 years experience working in Illustrator, going through the program with fresh eyes and brushing up on my skills was a great confidence booster. While I already knew I had a signature style, it was wonderful to see it come to life. Focusing on my own work instead of client work was the pivot I needed in my career.
From Immersion to the Mentorship the work just kept flowing out of me. I was so inspired! Building relationships and making friends who push me and support me along the way. And I can do the same for them. How cool is that?!
I have made an incredible amount of work this year. Making over 5 complete collections. A brand photoshoot. Built an entirely new website. Custom collaborations with 3 local clients. Designing 25 silk scarves and opening an online POD store. Participating in 2 online markets and moving a lot of product - from totes to scarves to art prints and even jacquard blankets. A successful pop-up event and selling my product wholesale. And the cherry on top, I have signed a contract with my dream fabric company. AHHH! To say that this course has changed my life is an understatement.
My goal for 2022 is to keep up the momentum! I think back often to Lisa Jacob’s talk about how I have everything I need. My bags are packed and now it’s time to go. It is go time! I have the skills and the knowledge for my next steps!
Immersion gave me all the tools I needed to feel confident in myself and my skills. It gave me the community that supports and pushes me. I opened my eyes and doors to career options I did not know existed. This is only the beginning of my Surface Pattern Career and I feel so ready for it all! Eager to learn and do more. How lucky I feel! And it is because you Bonnie. Forever grateful. Thank you <3